Thursday, May 31, 2012

Final Report 5/31

In general, what did you like most about this class?
 - That I got to get a lot of experience with multiple animation programs and learning what techniques I did and didn't like to use in my animations.

What was your favorite project and why?
 - The stop motion project. Even though mine didn't turn out as good as I planned, it introduced me into stop motion and it made me feel that I have this whole other type of technique that I can do anywhere without a crazy program.

In general, what did you like least about this class?
 - The fact that we didn't learn any basic Actionscript coding. I really wish I learned how to add play buttons so I could properly add them to websites (like Newgrounds where people hate it when theres no buttons)

What was your least favorite project and why?
 -Rotoscoping because it was too much of a repetitive project for me. It didn't help that I didn't use a tablet though. 

What are your future plans upon graduation?
 -Working in either the music or film industry.

Do you feel that this class will help you achieve your future academic or career goals? Please give specific examples.
 - Possibly. Animating has been something I've always wanted to learn ever since I was a young teenager when I first found flash videos online. I'd prefer to use animation along side other skills like film (for example, having an animated person fighting a real person).

What advice would you give to incoming students?
 - Do your storyboards on time and have you animations be as weird as possible. Licata likes weird.

Additional comments:
 - I always liked doing my storyboards last minute. It makes me think more spontaneously which leads to my weird ideas.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Weekly Report 5/18 - Coding Hurts My Head

What I learned: That Youtube likes to take my flash projects (that require very careful and accurate timing to match the voices/music) and make the timing off by .009 seconds just enough to make it look weird.

What I want to learn: How to do basic ActionScript coding in Flash (Preloaders, start/play buttons, etc).

What made me happy: All the positive feed back on my music video.

What made me sad: How not fun basic ActionScript 3 coding is.

ActionScript 3 Preloader Tutorial

Here is a tutorial on how to create an easy to customize and edit preloader in Flash (ActionScript 3)
By tutvid

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cheap Film Slate and a Lens Cap

Things you can buy to help you out with a film shoot. A $1 dry erase slate, a decent looking toy grenade to use for a prop, and a lens cap that you can fit over a UV lens cover.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Audio Publish Settings

To make your final published Flash video have the best audio quality, do this:

-Go to File>Publish Settings

-Set the Audio Stream and Audio Event to "Raw, 22 kHz, Stereo"


Should look like this: 

Fading In/Out Effect in Flash

I found a great tutorial on how to create a fading effect in Flash (WISH I KNEW ABOUT IT A LOT EARLIER)
Heres the link:

Basically you make the symbol a motion, click on the symbol, and go to "color effects" in properties and set it to "alpha". Then have the playhead on the frame where you want it to fade and adjust the alpha in the color effects submenu however you want.

 That right there----------------------------------------------------->

Friday, May 4, 2012

Weekly Report 5/4 - Bored, made videos.

What I learned: That my project song is long.

What I want to learn: Nothing. Theres nothing more to learn. I've learned everything in the world and I'm the smartest person ever to roam the Earth. #Swag

What made me happy: not enya

What me mad: enya quit touching my keyboard im trying to typgfsdhdshreaaewfdvc jfgjty67865reSD≈ √mgdrwgaetyduf


Dead Space 2 - Table Face
By cheeseitzz (me)

Dacoda and Alex Express Their Feelings

Alex finds the courage to tell Dacoda how he feels.
By DampMooseProductions

Thursday, May 3, 2012